Heylink Script – How To Place Heylink Ads On Blogger 2024

Heylink Script: Friends, in today’s article, I will tell you that if you have also taken your AdSense approval from Helink and you are not getting paid ads shown there, or you are not earning much from there, then the ads of that AdSense. By generating the code, how can you show it on your blogger or WordPress, and how can you earn from there?

Yes, friends, in today’s article, I will provide you with such a Heylink Script; in that script, you have to enter your publisher ID, add your profile link, and then you can use that script on your blogger, WordPress, anywhere. If you paste it, the ads of your Heylink Adsense account will also be shown there, and you can earn from there.

Earlier, I told you that if you have an active Yofan Adsense.If there is a dashboard, I have provided you with a Heylink Script for that.With help, show your Yofan’s AdSense ad code on your Blogger or WordPress and You can earn from it.

So, the Heylink Script that I am going to provide you in today’s article is going to be for Heylink. If you also want to know in detail how we can show our Heylink Adsense ad code on any website of our blogger or WordPress and how we can earn through it, read today’s article. Complete this article from beginning to end.
Must read.

So now let’s talk about what you have to do, for that I have told you.A script has been provided; you can find it at the bottom of this post.If you go there, you will see a publisher ID named ca. CA is written in front of it, and the pub is also written here, so next to it, your You have to replace the Publisher ID with your Publisher ID. You have to replace it in two places, which I have highlighted in yellow.

In this script, you will also get the publisher ID of the host, and then you will get the host ID. You don’t have to change it here; you have to change ca-you just have to change it in two places. You will get it here; at both places, you must change it here; this is your host. It would help to remember that you do not have to change the original.

Now, the second change you have to make is friends; you have to change your Helylink profile, i.e., profile link here; for this, you have to highlight the profile link in this script; instead of that, you have to change your
Profile link, i.e., user name, has to be pasted.

After this, you have to select the entire thing by using Control C; after copying, you have to open your Blogger or WordPress website wherever you want to show ads. After this, you will see that ads are appearing on your site. The show will start.


In this way, whatever traffic comes to your website, clicks, etc. This will be your earnings, which you can see on your dashboard. In this way, friends, if you have also taken approval from Heylink and you are not earning at all there, then by using this script, you can place your Helylink Adsense ad code here on your website, no matter what your website is. You can use it on Blogger or WordPress.

You can earn unlimited money here with your AdSense, and if you want to do loading, it depends on you; you can also do loading here, so friends, if you liked today’s information, please do tell by commenting.

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